2024 - 2025 Bell Schedule
Click here to view the current bell schedule (Google Docs).
Monday to Thursday Schedule |
Period 1 |
8:50 - 9:38 |
Period 2 |
9:43 - 10:29 |
Period 3 |
10:34 - 11:20 |
Study Hall |
11:25 - 11:57 |
Period 4 |
12:02 - 12:48 |
Lunch |
12:48 - 1:18 |
Period 5 |
1:23 - 2:09 |
Period 1 |
8:50 - 9:38 |
Period 2 |
9:43 - 10:29 |
Period 3 |
10:34 - 11:20 |
Study Hall |
11:25 - 11:57 |
Lunch |
11:57 - 12:27 |
Period 4 |
12:32 - 1:18 |
Period 5 |
1:23 - 2:09 |
Friday Schedule
(Early Dismissal)
Period 1 |
8:50 - 9:28 |
Period 2 |
9:33 - 10:11 |
Period 3 |
10:16 - 10:54 |
Period 4 |
10:59 - 11:37 |
Period 5 |
11:42 - 12:20 |
Super Minimum
Days (June 5th)
Period 1 |
8:50 - 9:21 |
Period 2 |
9:26 - 9:57 |
Period 3 |
10:03 - 10:32 |
Period 4 |
10:37 - 11:08 |
Period 5 |
11:13 - 11:44 |
Note: Lunches will be available after 6th period as "grab and go" on Fridays and any minimum days.