Student Injuries
We've had some questions lately about how to support students with casts and other devices. To ensure everyone has the information about what to ask from doctor's when receiving medical notes for injuries, we are including the guidelines below. If you have any questions, please reach out to our front office. We are happy to help! Vacaville Unified School District Administrative Regulations are what govern our response to student injuries. AR 5142 (e) reads as follows:
Durable Medical Equipment
A student returning or entering school with Durable Medical Equipment (crutches, wheelchair, canes, splints, etc.) must present documentation from a physician with the following information:
1. That the use of the DME has been authorized by the physician.
2. The diagnosis and duration of the use of the DME.
3. That the student has received training in the use of the DME.
4. Anticipated length of time the student will be excused from PE and/or recess.
The student will not be allowed to attend classes or school events until this documentation is received. In addition, students returning to school after surgery, hospitalization, receiving a cast, stitches, or orthopedic appliances require a doctor’s note which states the following:
1. The date the student is cleared to return to school.
2. Any restrictions to school participation
3. Date of follow-up appointment.
Lunch and PE Policy
If students have restrictions from recess or PE they come to the office with a friend and play a variety of activities we have here for students where we can supervise and ensure their safety. We do not have adequate staffing on the playground and lunch area to supervise an area and ensure that students with medical notes are away from all situations where they could get hurt. At lunch, students go to the cafeteria and eat with their friends, then come to the office with a friend of their choice. For PE, students are offered to sit and observe their friends, as there is one teacher who can supervise, but the majority of the time students opt to come to the office instead.